About us

The company Stridon usluge d.o.o. was established in 2001 with the opening of its first café in the Siget neighbourhood of Zagreb. The second café was opened as part of a shopping centre in Sesvetski Kraljevec in 2002. In 2004, the company opened its bistro in Sesvete and expanded its operations into the currency exchange business. It has continued offering food and beverage services ever since. In 2015, the company also expanded its operation into the production of cookies and desserts.

Since its establishment, our mission has remained unchanged, and is focused on constantly improving the quality of our services and products, to satisfy the distinguished needs of our clients and customers for high quality products and services.

Company: STRIDON USLUGE limited liability company for trade and hospitality

Abbreviated name: STRIDON USLUGE d.o.o.

Seat and address: Ivana Keleka 83,10360 Sesvete

Core activity: 5630

Legal form: Limited liability company

Company ID number: 77701431037

Registration number (MB): 1586963

Entity registry number (MBS): 080408246

Registry court: Commercial Court at Zagreb

Company equity: HRK 20,000.00, paid in full

Year of establishment: 2001.

Director: Pere Krstanović

Bank: Addiko-Bank d.d.; Slavonska avenija 6, Zagreb

Gyro account: 2500009-1101010737

IBAN: HR5125000091101010737